Anyway, I wouldn't be doing this blog justice if I didn't report on the nitty gritty of motherhood on occasion. To all of my girl friends who aren't pregnant yet, feel free to stop reading this post NOW. For those who currently have one on the way.... here's a little glimpse into your future.... Muhahahahahahahaha!
Let's start with our morning wake up call... No, not the one at 3AM. That's just the pre- pre-breakfast snack. At around 5AM, Hadley likes to give Mom and Dad an early start to their day with some really charming groans and grunts. Likely she is busily digesting a tummy full of milk from the previous day to clear some room for another full day of grubbing down. Unfortunately, there is no consoling her during this time. Rubbing her back, burping her, or gas drops provide her with no relief. While she IS considerate enough not to scream or cry during these early pre-dawn hours, her grunting makes it nearly impossible to continue to sleep. If she's gonna suffer, so must we all!
After Dad leaves for work and we've sorted out our tummy troubles, it's time for Mom to eat breakfast! Hahahaha, SIKE!!! Hadley's all..." Don't even think about setting me down somewhere to whip up something nutritious for yourself! Oh.. you're trying to lose baby weight!? Not on my watch!" So I am typically forced to eat things that require no time to prepare, like a banana or a granola bar. If she does on the rare occasion allow me a few minutes to luxuriously scramble my eggs, she makes me pay for it by holding her while I eat. Which means more food lands on the floor than in my mouth.
After breakfast, we chill. It's probably the easiest part of the day. I get to blog or get on g-chat while the princess has her brunch and settles in for her mid-morning siesta... on the Boppy which must be sitting on my lap, because I BETTER NOT PUT HER DOWN anywhere else or there will be hell to pay! This is also how I get to enjoy my lunch...
From time to time, Hadley and I like to get out of the house to see the world (Target). She usually falls asleep during car rides, but if she doesn't... you BETTER NOT STOP AT A RED LIGHT!!! As such, I have developed a whole new phobia of red lights. If I can see one in the distance, I will slow down well in advance so that we can coast along, praying that it turns green by the time we make it to the intersection. I now have alternative routes mapped out so that I can avoid any unnecessary delays in our journey. Because whatever we do, we must NOT stop driving!!!
After our errands, it's afternoon nap time! YES!!! The best part of the day, which is directly followed by wine time, and Daddy's return from work!!! :) :) :) While our morning nap time is a little less formal, Mama's got the afternoon nap routine down! A snug swaddle, a few gentle rocks, and down she goes... for what can sometimes be a 2-3 hour nap! Which means I get to do glamourous things like pee in privacy, put away dishes, and fold the laundry... BY. MY. SELF. Because any activity done on your own is like a trip to Six Flags!
And just when I've finished patting myself on the back and have nicknamed myself the baby napping whisperer, Hadley decides that nap time is sooo overrated. Watch as she literally laughs in my face about going down for an afternoon snooze.