What a wild month we've had! With Mama on the mend from her knee surgery, Hadley has really risen to the occasion and has proven that she can adapt to nearly any situation. She has really matured in the last month and dropped the I-Only-Want-My-Mommy bit that she's been sticking with practically since birth. This was a relief as we've had to really lean on family and friends to help us out... even though, secretly, Mommy kind of misses being the one and only favorite! :) This month, we have had so much fun watching all of Hadley's new tricks that she has learned and her blossoming personality, which is so contagiously funny! When she's not hamming it up, she is a sweet and curious, yet calm little girl.
Happy 9 Months Hadley!!!
Happy 9 Months Hadley!!!
Still our picture perfect little sweetheart! Although, we don't stay still for too long these days!
And we'd much rather be standing than sitting!
Just look at how much she has grown in the last 9 months!!!!
Here's the 1 month vs 9 month side by side that is really shocking...
My itty baby has been replaced by a little girl with blonde locks that are growing by the day! Ugh, I can't handle it - it's all going by too fast! She'll be one before I know it, then enrolling in Kindergarten and then off to college! Make it stop!!! :( Okay, okay - I'm getting a little ahead of myself!
Here are a few of Hadley's favorites this month...
Here are a few of Hadley's favorites this month...
Milestones this Month:
- Sitting in a big girl highchair at home
- Can clap & play patty-cake
- Stood up in crib
- Drinks water from her sippy cup
- Started brushing her teeth (all two of them)
- Can point her finger at things
- Grew even more hair!
- Can move from one object to another while standing
- Also can stand holding on to something with only one hand!
- Starting to wave "bye-bye"
- Has mastered Peek-A-Boo (or as we fondly refer to it as "Where's Hadley?")
- Has slept through the night every night for an entire week!!!!!
Size 6 month, but starting to fit into 9 month sized clothing. Still size 2 diapers!!!
For most of this month, her night time sleep was horrible. Waking up several times a night, having to be nursed every few hours. (A growth spurt perhaps?) It was miserable, especially for an exhausted, recovering Mama. However, as soon as February hit, it's like she flipped a switch and started sleeping through the night consistently! It's been a week and she has slept every single night, going to bed around 8pm and not waking up until 5:30 or 6am!!! This is a huge improvement, we are so proud! She is also still taking two naps a day usually for about 1.5 hours each! Hallelujah!
Hadley is eating lots of new foods every day! We have really started experimenting with things this month... peanut butter, seaweed salad, miso soup... nothing is off limits (except honey) and she is loving it! She's a great little eater and pretty much likes anything we give her! Last night she had some paella, tonight some ravioli! So much fun to have her eat the same things as us!
Favorite Toys:
She really likes and plays with most of her toys, but her favorites are still Mommy's box of bracelets, remote controls, and her Elephant walker. She also likes her stuffed animal puppy!
Things Hadley Hates:
Being put into her carseat. She really never cared too much about this in the past, but lately she cries just about every time we put her in it. Not sure why... Luckily, she calms down once we get going.
Size 6 month, but starting to fit into 9 month sized clothing. Still size 2 diapers!!!
For most of this month, her night time sleep was horrible. Waking up several times a night, having to be nursed every few hours. (A growth spurt perhaps?) It was miserable, especially for an exhausted, recovering Mama. However, as soon as February hit, it's like she flipped a switch and started sleeping through the night consistently! It's been a week and she has slept every single night, going to bed around 8pm and not waking up until 5:30 or 6am!!! This is a huge improvement, we are so proud! She is also still taking two naps a day usually for about 1.5 hours each! Hallelujah!
Hadley is eating lots of new foods every day! We have really started experimenting with things this month... peanut butter, seaweed salad, miso soup... nothing is off limits (except honey) and she is loving it! She's a great little eater and pretty much likes anything we give her! Last night she had some paella, tonight some ravioli! So much fun to have her eat the same things as us!
Favorite Toys:
She really likes and plays with most of her toys, but her favorites are still Mommy's box of bracelets, remote controls, and her Elephant walker. She also likes her stuffed animal puppy!
Things Hadley Hates:
Being put into her carseat. She really never cared too much about this in the past, but lately she cries just about every time we put her in it. Not sure why... Luckily, she calms down once we get going.
Hadley, here are a few things we love best about you this month...
♡♡♡♡ We Love...♡♡♡♡
♡♡♡♡ We Love...♡♡♡♡
- what a good player you are! You play quietly and contently with others or on your own. You can amuse your self for long periods of time figuring out all the different things you can do with your toys!
- how you mimic any noise we make. Growling, spitting... you are a little copy-cat! Monkey see, monkey do! Time to start watching out what we say and do around you! :)
- how you point your toes and have such good posture! Such a dainty little girl. Future ballerina?
- your humor! You are really starting to understand funny situations and react to them. The other day at nap time you and I were giggling back and forth when you kept trying to stick your finger up my nose and I wouldn't let you! Funny girl!
- how fast you pick up on things. You are a sponge right now! Anything new we try to teach you, you master pretty quickly! This is one of the most fun parts of parenting - being your teachers!
- your curiosity! You have an amazing eye for detail. You will hone in on a single speck of dirt on the ground and work on picking it up.
- how excited you get when Daddy gets home from work and how sad you are to see him leave in the morning! Becoming more of a Daddy's girl each day!
Hadley... You have officially been on the outside now, for as long as you were on the inside. These last nine months have been a dream and we treasure each day spent with you. Thank you for being such a laid back and sweet baby this month. You have made this all so much easier on me and your smiles and laughter have made for the best medicine! We say it pretty often, but just know that we feel so incredibly lucky to be your parents, Hadley! You are a funny and bright little girl and we love discovering more about you every single day!
We love you baby girl! Happy 9 months!
We love you baby girl! Happy 9 months!