Hadley had her 9 month well checkup two weeks ago, but for the sake of documentation I'll share!
Hadley's 9 Month Stats:
Height: 27 1/4 inches (45th percentile)
Weight: 15 lbs 2 oz (5th percentile)
Head circumference: 44.5 cm (70th percentile)
Our little tiny, is consistently still tiny. I promise we are feeding her lots! She definitely has her daddy's head though! :) Which must mean big brains to boot!
Hadley didn't have to have any shots at this appointment (yay!), but she did have to have her toe pricked to test her iron levels. Luckily, her iron is fine! She was none to pleased by the toe prick, however. It was all I could do to even keep her still to have it done. Don't let her small size fool you! Our girl is STRONG! I dread going back for the 1 year appointment when we'll have to get more vaccinations!
Anyway, glad that our Miss Hadley continues to be a happy and healthy girl and hasn't even had so much as a sniffle in her first 9 months of life! And in case you were wondering we are on our 22nd straight night in a row of her sleeping through the night in her crib! AMEN!!!!! :)
Height: 27 1/4 inches (45th percentile)
Weight: 15 lbs 2 oz (5th percentile)
Head circumference: 44.5 cm (70th percentile)
Our little tiny, is consistently still tiny. I promise we are feeding her lots! She definitely has her daddy's head though! :) Which must mean big brains to boot!
Hadley didn't have to have any shots at this appointment (yay!), but she did have to have her toe pricked to test her iron levels. Luckily, her iron is fine! She was none to pleased by the toe prick, however. It was all I could do to even keep her still to have it done. Don't let her small size fool you! Our girl is STRONG! I dread going back for the 1 year appointment when we'll have to get more vaccinations!
Anyway, glad that our Miss Hadley continues to be a happy and healthy girl and hasn't even had so much as a sniffle in her first 9 months of life! And in case you were wondering we are on our 22nd straight night in a row of her sleeping through the night in her crib! AMEN!!!!! :)