I've finally gotten over the shock that Hadley is going to keep getting older, but I'm still none to pleased about it. Right now Hadley is the perfect age! She is easy, sweet, lovable, sitting up, yet still not mobile. Let's go ahead and freeze time. I've said it before and I'll say it again...this was the BEST MONTH EVER! :)
Happy 8 Months Hadley!!!
Happy 8 Months Hadley!!!
Here are a few of Hadley's favorites this month...
Milestones this Month:
- Sitting in a highchair at restaurants! (Woohoo! This made Mommy & Daddy's life so much easier!)
- Sitting up and playing with your toys
- Pulling up to stand
- Saying "Mama" (Mamamamamamamamama.... none stop!) :)
- Eating... or more like gnawing on solids like crackers, apples, asparagus, etc.
- Drinking water from a sippy cup
- Sleeping through the night!!!
3-6 month or 6 month in clothes, size 2 in diapers
I don't want to jinx anything, but.... we are pretty consistently sleeping through the night!!!! Hadley goes to bed around 7:30PM and wakes up after 5AM, at which point Daddy brings her up to our room. We nurse and then go back to bed until 7AM! Can I get an AMEN!!! Love our little sleeper! She also takes a good morning nap in her crib and then in the afternoon I usually let her nap with Mommy in our bed (Mommy's like naps too!) :)
Favorite Toys:
Bracelets, headbands, Elephant Walker, Sophie the Giraffe, Ball pit, etc... we are completely stocked up with new and exciting toys right now thanks to Christmas and many generous family members! Lots to play with!!
Things Hadley Hates:
Santa, Blenders, and Cantaloupe. Strange child.... ;)
3-6 month or 6 month in clothes, size 2 in diapers
I don't want to jinx anything, but.... we are pretty consistently sleeping through the night!!!! Hadley goes to bed around 7:30PM and wakes up after 5AM, at which point Daddy brings her up to our room. We nurse and then go back to bed until 7AM! Can I get an AMEN!!! Love our little sleeper! She also takes a good morning nap in her crib and then in the afternoon I usually let her nap with Mommy in our bed (Mommy's like naps too!) :)
Favorite Toys:
Bracelets, headbands, Elephant Walker, Sophie the Giraffe, Ball pit, etc... we are completely stocked up with new and exciting toys right now thanks to Christmas and many generous family members! Lots to play with!!
Things Hadley Hates:
Santa, Blenders, and Cantaloupe. Strange child.... ;)
Hadley here are a few things we love best about you this month...
♡♡♡♡ We Love...♡♡♡♡
♡♡♡♡ We Love...♡♡♡♡
- how excited you get when we are walking you upstairs to our bedroom in the early morning! Like "YAYYY! I get to hang out with Mommy & Daddy!!!"
- watching you take in things you've never seen before like Christmas trees or candlelight.
- your Mamamamamamamama... or at least Mommy does! :)
- your sweet tiny cough, whether it is fake or not, it sure is cute.
- going out to dinner with you now that you can join us at the table in your highchair!
- letting you try new foods, especially when you love them!
- taking naps with you, especially when we fall asleep holding hands!
You are such an angel, Hadley! We are so very lucky to be your parents. You bring sunshine to everyone you encounter and we are so proud to call you ours.
As you grow older and more independent, we are slowly letting go of your baby days and are looking forward to all of the new things that you will learn. Watching you grow is the most exciting and rewarding thing we've ever done.
We love you so much Hadley Mae!
As you grow older and more independent, we are slowly letting go of your baby days and are looking forward to all of the new things that you will learn. Watching you grow is the most exciting and rewarding thing we've ever done.
We love you so much Hadley Mae!