Well... here we are again. Guess I better just get used to blinking and another month passing by. And I know I ALWAYS say this... but this was the BEST month yet! : ) Lots of new tricks learned and changes that kept us on our toes. There is a never a dull moment with Miss Hadley these days.
Happy 7 Months Hadley!
Happy 7 Months Hadley!
Sitting up all by herself now, like a big girl! With quite the personality, as well!
Here are a few of Hadley's favorites this month...
Milestones this Month:
- Sitting up by herself!
- Two bottom teeth!
- Talking.... "Hi!"
- 1st Thanksgiving
- 1st Time to meet Santa!
- 1st Road Trip alone with Mommy (to Tyler for Mistletoe & Magic)
- Slid down the slide for the first time with Daddy!
- Sitting in shopping cart
- Lots of new foods tried (butternut squash, sweet corn, green beans, spinach, bananas, granola, pumpkin, blueberries, turkey, etc etc)
- Lots more hair this month, too!
3-6 month clothing and size 2 diapers!
This is still a struggle. This month with new teeth pushing through, our sleep patterns were all over the board. Hadley still takes two good naps a day and goes to bed around 7:30 or 8pm. However, we had lots of wake ups through out the night this month that could have been attributed to teething or perhaps just waking up and realizing that she wasn't with Mommy & Daddy. Anytime we bring her up to our bedroom, however, she happily goes to sleep and will stay asleep until morning. She sleeps best cozied up between Mom & Dad. Definitely not a habit we want to start, but sometimes lack of sleep makes you bend the rules a little. :) Hadley has probably figured this out...
Favorite Toys:
Stacking Rings, Sophie the Giraffe, Measuring Spoons, and lots of things that aren't meant to be toys that she is intrigued by (remote controls, cell phones, headbands, etc)
Things Hadley Hates:
Being away (or out of eyesight) from Mommy. She is very much a Mama's girl, obviously because we spend just about every waking moment together. She's pretty tight with Daddy too. But she does NOT like to be without at least one of us, which makes leaving her for the occasional evening outing very difficult. At the moment, we can't even leave her in the church nursery to go to the Sunday morning service without a complete meltdown. While it is very flattering to have such an enthusiastic Mom and Dad's #1 Fan Club member for life, it can definitely be frustrating at times.
3-6 month clothing and size 2 diapers!
This is still a struggle. This month with new teeth pushing through, our sleep patterns were all over the board. Hadley still takes two good naps a day and goes to bed around 7:30 or 8pm. However, we had lots of wake ups through out the night this month that could have been attributed to teething or perhaps just waking up and realizing that she wasn't with Mommy & Daddy. Anytime we bring her up to our bedroom, however, she happily goes to sleep and will stay asleep until morning. She sleeps best cozied up between Mom & Dad. Definitely not a habit we want to start, but sometimes lack of sleep makes you bend the rules a little. :) Hadley has probably figured this out...
Favorite Toys:
Stacking Rings, Sophie the Giraffe, Measuring Spoons, and lots of things that aren't meant to be toys that she is intrigued by (remote controls, cell phones, headbands, etc)
Things Hadley Hates:
Being away (or out of eyesight) from Mommy. She is very much a Mama's girl, obviously because we spend just about every waking moment together. She's pretty tight with Daddy too. But she does NOT like to be without at least one of us, which makes leaving her for the occasional evening outing very difficult. At the moment, we can't even leave her in the church nursery to go to the Sunday morning service without a complete meltdown. While it is very flattering to have such an enthusiastic Mom and Dad's #1 Fan Club member for life, it can definitely be frustrating at times.
Hadley here are a few things we love best about you this month...
♡♡♡♡ We Love...♡♡♡♡
♡♡♡♡ We Love...♡♡♡♡
- Your willingness to accessorize! Shoes, bows, panty hose, coats... you indulge Mommy by letting me play dress up with you daily and then flaunt you all over town to fancy places like the Post Office! :)
- When you kick your feet excitedly when you see us - especially when coming to get you after you wake up from a nap.
- When you act shy and nuzzle your head into our shoulders.
- How you smile at strangers until they say something to you and then you act shy - even though you initiated the whole exchange. :)
- How you will flop forward and bury your head in our lap when you get tired.
- The long hair that is starting to grow on the top of your head and by your ears!
- That you can sit up now! It makes life around the house and on the go SOOO much easier!!!
It's so fun to watch you grow up, Hadley! As much as you are a fan of Mommy & Daddy (at least for now...), we are your biggest fans, as well (and always will be)! We cheer you on, applaud, and get so excited with every new milestone that you achieve, no matter how small. Watching you notice things in the world is pretty much the coolest thing ever.
We are SOOOO very excited for your 1st Christmas this year and have so many things planned. Mainly because you have a ridiculous amount of Christmas/Winter outfits that you need to show off! :)
We love you sweet girl!!! Looking forward to another BEST MONTH EVER!
We are SOOOO very excited for your 1st Christmas this year and have so many things planned. Mainly because you have a ridiculous amount of Christmas/Winter outfits that you need to show off! :)
We love you sweet girl!!! Looking forward to another BEST MONTH EVER!