Happy 4 Months Hadley!!!
Don't be fooled though... this photo shoot was definitely the most challenging one yet! She was more interested in grabbing her feet and chewing on her dress than posing! There were also lots of drool removal "touch-ups" and we had a few close calls...
Here are some of Hadley's favorite things this month...
- 1st Hotel Stay (An overnight stay-cation due to a broken AC)
- 1st trip to Austin/San Antonio
- 1st Laugh - Aug 18 (She thought Mommy was soooo funny on her birthday) :)
- 1st Word "Mama" - Aug 30 (Seriously... Mason is my witness, she said it clear as day on the way to church, upset because I wasn't sitting in the back of the car with her) ♥♥♥
- Plays with feet constantly
- Napping in her crib (instead of only on Mommy - Hallelujah!)
- Cooing/"talking"/squeals of delight
- Plays contently by herself for much longer periods of time
- Drool... lots and lots of drool
- Can bear weight on her legs and "stand" with assistance
- Easily grabs things
Wearing 0 -3 month and 3 month sized clothing. She has definitely grown so much length-wise this month. Still wearing size 1 diapers, but we will probably be switching to 2's next month.
Same ol' same. Why mess with what works? Most nights she gets swaddled around 8:30pm and is in her Rock n Play (in our room) fast asleep by 9pm. We don't mind her being in our room at all, but think she is starting to outgrow the RnP. We will probably start the transition to her crib next month. Mommy might just have to put in bunk beds downstairs! :( Lately, she wakes up around 5am and we bring her into our bed to sleep the rest of the morning (usually until around 7:30am).
Baby Einstein's "Take Along Tunes" which has been a helpful distracter on long road trips and kept Mommy sane a number of times!
- Clipping her fingernails
- Stopping at red lights
- Wiping her face with a washcloth/burp cloth
- Tummy time
- Covering her feet
Hadley, here are a few things Mommy & Daddy love best about you this month.
♡♡♡♡ We love... ♡♡♡♡
- Your dramatic sighs when you're "bored" (such a teenager already!) :)
- Your giggles and squeals of happiness!
- Your adorable girly voice (the cutest sound I've ever heard in my life).
- How you rub your eyes when you're tired!
- How no matter how mad you are, you always stop crying when Mommy sings "We're Off to See the Wizard" to you!
- Holding your hand.
- The face you make when we wash your face. :)
- Taking you out in public - everyone loves to gush over a cute baby!
We love you so much Hadley! XOXO ♥♥♥