We survived Hadley's first month! That's really quite an accomplishment if you think about it... We kept a tiny human being alive without any major breakdowns, screw-ups, or even so much as a phone call to the doctor! Yay! High fives for Mason and me! :)
However, we couldn't have made it look so easy if not for our super chill baby girl, Hadley! I mean seriously... when I read about some of the little monster babies out there... makes me thank my lucky stars!
So yeah.... anyway, yesterday was Hadley's 1 Month Birthday! This is how she chose to celebrate:
However, we couldn't have made it look so easy if not for our super chill baby girl, Hadley! I mean seriously... when I read about some of the little monster babies out there... makes me thank my lucky stars!
So yeah.... anyway, yesterday was Hadley's 1 Month Birthday! This is how she chose to celebrate:
All. Day. Long.
Mommy had been planning her monthly photo shoots since before she was born, and Hadley just wasn't having it. It may be cliche but she says, "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to!"
So, unfortunately, we were forced to push the photo shoot back a day. And that my friends is why we are a day late. Babies....
So without further ado...
Mommy had been planning her monthly photo shoots since before she was born, and Hadley just wasn't having it. It may be cliche but she says, "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to!"
So, unfortunately, we were forced to push the photo shoot back a day. And that my friends is why we are a day late. Babies....
So without further ado...
Aside from a rough day yesterday, which we'll attribute to some tummy troubles, she really is the best baby! She adapts very easily to new things, can almost sleep through the night (Mama usually has to wake her up to eat so she doesn't starve), only cries when she needs something, and has had no trouble at all with nursing. I'm telling you, as first time parents, we won the baby lottery! :)
Hadley, here are a few things that Mommy & Daddy have loved best about you this month...
Mommy LOVES:
Hadley, here are a few things that Mommy & Daddy have loved best about you this month...
Mommy LOVES:

- Sitting in bed talking with you first thing in the morning when you are the happiest and most alert.
- Sitting out on the front balcony with you.
- Picking you up out of your bed to nurse in the middle of the night when you are half asleep and look like a little doll baby.
- Picking out your outfits and getting you dressed up for the day!
- Watching you smile your first smiles!
- When you sneeze and then afterwards you let out the cutest little girly sigh! Adorable!!! :)
- Your beautiful BLUE eyes!
Daddy LOVES:
- Watching videos of your adventures that Mommy sends him throughout the day.
- All of the funny noises that you make!
- Taking naps together.
- Watching you chew on your hands.
- Bottle time when he gets home from work.
- Swaddling you up each night into a little baby burrito!
We so love being your parents, sweet girl, and have enjoyed watching you grow from a tiny infant to a still tiny baby. We can't wait for all that is in store for us during this next month!
Happy 1 month! XOXO